Friday 5 June 2015

Final Render Video - Forest of Agandia

This is our team's final rendered video of our landscape modelling project : Forest of Agandia. Due to the limitation of the upload size, this video is in HD720.

Monday 1 June 2015

Test render on Forest of Agandia

We faced trial and errors when we apply the particle emitter into our fantasy cylinder-like plant. For the lighting we used ambient light and directional light (only on the moon) to create the dark night setting where we have proposed in our proposal. We also use 2D container with emitter to create the waterfall. We test-rendered the scene to have a better look on the final output of the landscape. Part 1 are in HD 1280 x 720 and Part 2 are in 640 x 480.

Part 1

 Low angle view

High angle view

Top view showing the burst of particles

 The moon is placed on top of the tree. Texture and glow is applied to make it look realism.

      Part 2

 Lighting test (Left, light intensity 0.5; Right, Light Intensity 1)

 Low angle camera view (Focal length 2)

Moon texture taken from
Maiden 3D model taken from

Sunday 26 April 2015

Fixing Textures and Assigning Background to Model

For this update our team has tried on refining the textures on the fantasy plants which are scattered around the landscape (modeled with Subdiv and Polygon) and an image is assigned as the background. All images are in HD 1920 x 1080.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Render Test of the Forest of Agandia

These are the render tests made just to see the overview of the terrain with the assets from different perspective views. All images are in full HD 1920 x 1080.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Working Progress on the Forest of Agandia by MBT

The terrain (modelled by Jay) was modelled on a plane with the use of Sculpt Geometry Tool.

 Rock texture is applied into the terrain and the plant model (modelled by Sai) we designed is applied onto the terrain as well.

The Ancient tree (modelled by Jazz)

 The Ancient tree testing with the leaves on the twigs

Assigning the leaves in the colour and gradient sticking to the design concept of our Ancient tree.

The ruins (modelled by Jay) are made in polygonal tool and the shape of it is modified by its vertices. Textures are taken from the internet and implied into the models.

Textures used in the models are taken from these links :

Friday 20 March 2015

Designs, Sketches and Storyboarding

Continuing on our landscape modelling project, our team has come out with the designs and the storyboard showing the whole landscape through animation.

 The design of the landscape of the Forest of Agandia

 Sketches (Left, Ancient Tree; Right, Ruins)

Sketches on the glowing plants which will emit particles to the environment


On this part, the storyboard concludes with the camera movements and music input for our animation.

 Storyboard (Page 1)

Storyboard (Page 2)

Storyboard (Page 3)

Tuesday 10 March 2015

MBT Proposal on Forest of Agandia

MBT consists with 3 members named Nur Saidatul Fateha bt Nasir (43264), Chong Yin Fong (40897) and Muhammad Jazli Jamal (42468). And in short we gonna use our nicknames as Sai, Jay and Jazz.


This 3D landscape of Forest of Agandia is designed to deliver the idea of a mystical forest. People would have ideas on how the atmosphere of the mystical forest would look like. It is also for us to improve our skills in 3D software such as AutoDesk Maya and put more thoughts into designing.


Category : Landscape (walkthrough animation)
Tentative title : “Forest of Agandia”
Duration for walkthrough animation : 30 seconds
Target Audience : General audience
CG Platform : Autodesk Maya
Theme/ Concept : Mystical
Scope of assignment : The assignment is to build a 3D landscape based on the idea of a fantasy forest
Time : Night 8 p.m.
Mood/ atmosphere/ colour scheme : Outdoor (Night), Cool colours


This is a landscape walkthrough entitled “Forest of Agandia”. Our landscape will have an ancient tree in the middle of the landscape, a statue, a lake around the tree, a waterfall, different kinds of glowing floras, the remains of ruins across the landscape and glowing particles in the air. The animation starts with the extreme close-up of the face of the statue and zooms out showing the ancient tree and the whole landscape. Besides that, there will be a transition to show all the views of the forest from various angles.


For our fantasy forest we need to get a solid image of the real forest before doing any manipulation to the design on the floras and the surrounding. We also have a few examples of mystical forest that was designed for a MMORPG online game named TERA Online. 

Image References for the terrain design

Image References for the Ancient Tree Design

Image Reference from TERA for environment